What We Do

When you need building information such as user guides, as-built and handover documentation, we will author it, compile it, and manage it for you.

Our scope of products include:

  • Health and Safety Files
  • L2 Building Log Books
  • BREEAM User Guides and Building User Guides
  • Building Operation and Maintenance Manuals (O&Ms)
  • Asset Register
  • BIM Asset Tagging
  • Compiling As Built Drawings, Test and Handover Documentation
  • Home User Guide and App
  • Retail Unit Packs

We provide building information in various formats:

  • Via our searchable online portal, Inteli-Scan
  • In electronic formats
  • As high quality hard copy manuals
  • All the above


All our online and offline O&M documentation is colour-coded for easy navigation, and can be branded to suit you or your client.

O&M manuals

We author, manage and collate all the necessary information for your Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals.

O&M manuals

We author, manage and collate all the necessary information for your Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals.


Read the latest news and events from Watson & Sole, Clients and Team along with the wider Operation & Maintenance Manual Industry.


Read the latest news and events from Watson & Sole, Clients and Team along with the wider Operation & Maintenance Manual Industry.