Project Management

We use Inteli-Scan to ensure your O&M manuals are completed on time. This applies whether we are creating original content for you via one of our weAUTHOR services, or when we’re managing your own content via weMANAGE.

Here’s why.

Because of Inteli-Scan’s design, work can be progressed, authored and reviewed on a piecemeal basis. Each section can be drafted and completed as and when any information is available, which enables the most effective and efficient O&M production process.

Contributors to Inteli-Scan can work online or offline. With all project correspondence recorded within the software, the principal contractor can monitor Inteli-Scan requests and responses in real time.

Management features in Inteli-Scan include:

  • Online document preparation and review
  • Live status reports, KPIs and detailed reports
  • Full process control
  • Tools to manage test documents and as-built drawings
  • Documentation and library updates
  • Contact details and correspondence tools for all team members involved in the O&M process

System status chart to view relative progress, with user progress bar charts to see % of deliverables completed

Contact us to find out more >

Fully Configurable

You can adapt Inteli-Scan to suit the in-depth requirements of every individual site and project, using the project set-up wizard and prelisting function.

Fully Configurable

You can adapt Inteli-Scan to suit the in-depth requirements of every individual site and project, using the project set-up wizard and prelisting function.

About Us

When considering a new business partnership, you need to find out a bit about the company you’ll be working with.

About Us

When considering a new business partnership, you need to find out a bit about the company you’ll be working with.